Adopted 12/7/82
Amendments through 2/1/2001

Article I
Section 1

The name of this club shall be the "Lebanon Camera Club."

Section 2

The object and purpose of the Club is to foster interest in amateur photography and related hobbies.

Section 3

The officers of the Club shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chairman, Competition Chairman, Newsletter Editor, Director of Public Relations and Community Affairs, Librarian, and five (5) Directors.

Section 4

The officers shall be nominated by a committee appointed by the President in September.  Committee nominations will be read at the October & November meetings, where nominations from the floor will also be accepted.  Elections will be held in December, with installation of new officers at the Club banquet in January, or if no banquet is held, at the first meeting after January 1.

Section 5

Officers will serve for a period of one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified.  An officer may serve only two consecutive terms in the same office.
Appointed positions noted as "officers" in section 3, namely: Program Chairman, Competition Chairman, Newsletter Editor, Director of Public Relations and Community Affairs, and Librarian, are specifically exempted from the two consecutive term limitation.

Section 6

The President will contact any officer who has missed two consecutive regular meetings, to see if the officer wishes to remain an officer.  After four consecutive regular meetings are missed, the President will declare the position vacant.

Section 7

Elected officers or directors who are unable to complete their term will be replaced by members chosen by the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy, OR the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may fill any vacant club position.  Members appointed will serve the remainder of the term.

Section 1

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the club, shall preside at all meetings including the Board of Directors, and shall be a member ex officio of the standing committees and the Board of Directors.  He shall sign only such legal and binding papers attested to by the Secretary and approved by the club at a regular meeting.

Section 2

In the event of the absence, resignation, or other disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President until the return of the President, or removal of the disability, appointment or election of a new President.  He shall be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors.
  In the absence of both the President and Vice President, the presiding officer will be chosen in the following order: Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary (also known as the Director of Public Relations), Program Chairman, or such officer as directed by members of the Board of Directors present.

Section 3

The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the club and record the proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose.
Specifically, the Secretary will record the NAMES and ADDRESSES of visitors, and the NAME and PLACE of competition winners as well as the TITLE or description of the entry.
  The Secretary shall be the custodian of club records.  In addition to serving as ex officio clerk of the Board of Directors, the Secretary will perform such other duties as required by the officers, and see that due and proper notice is given of all club meetings.

Section 4

The Director of Public Relations and Community affairs will substitute for the Secretary when necessary.  In the absence of both, the presiding officer will appoint a member to take minutes of the meeting.

Section 5

The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures in books belonging to the club, and shall deposit all money and valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the club.
He shall disburse funds of the club as may be ordered by the officers, taking paper vouchers for such disbursements.  He shall render to the officers at their regular meeting, or as otherwise directed, a full account of all his transactions as Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall keep an accurate list of paid members.
An audit of the Treasurer's books covering the year prior to the election will be conducted by a committee appointed by the president for that purpose.  The audit will be held following elections, but prior to the installation of the new treasurer.  The audit committee will turn the Treasurer's books over to the newly installed Treasurer after the audit is complete.

Section: 6

A board of 5 directors, each serving a two year term, shall manage the business of the club.  In addition to the powers and authority conferred by these by-laws, they

Lebanon Camera Club Snapshots                                  February 2001


may exercise such authority as is usually exercised by the Board of Directors of a club of this type.
They will have full charge of all properties, furnishings, and equipment which shall be turned over to them for their management.

Section 7

Appointed by the President within 30 days of his election, they will head their committees and serve as officers of the club.  Duties and assignments will be defined by the President.
Program and Competition Chairmen are to consult and arrange programs for the year.   All programs are to be scheduled a minimum of six months in advance to allow new chairmen time to plan.

Section 8

Will maintain historical records and publications owned by the club.

Section 9

The Executive Committee will consist of all officers and directors defined in Article II.

Section 10

The President will appoint the members of all committees, and may establish special committees as necessary.
Special committee chairmen are not officers.

Article III
Section 1

Membership shall be composed of persons recommended by a member in good standing and approved by the Directors.  A written statement of responsibility must be provided by the parent or guardian of any prospective member under 18 years of age.

Section 2

Entrance fees and dues shall be determined by the Directors.

Section 3

Dues will run on a calendar year.  Members accepted during the year shall pay 10% of the rate for their class for each month remaining, with a minimum of payment of 3 months or $5, whichever is greater.  Persons under 18 years of age and members' spouses may enroll as non voting associate members with competition privileges for half the normal dues rounded up to the next half dollar.  The President may appoint one non voting associate member to the executive committee for each calendar year. (approved 4/6/99)

Section 4

A dues delinquency period of 3 months will be allowed before a member is removed from the membership list.  During the period of delinquency, the member may not serve in any capacity, vote, or compete.
Members accused of misconduct will be entitled to a hearing before the Board of Directors, whose decision to discharge a member will be final.  Dues paid by a discharged member will be refunded on a monthly prorated basis.

Section 5

Members suspended from membership may be reinstated only by applying to the Directors, who may reject or accept the application subject to such terms and conditions the Directors deem appropriate.

Section 6

Honorary or lifetime memberships may be awarded by the executive committee to persons who have made a substantial contribution to the club.  Nominations may be made to the President by any member.
To prevent bruised feelings, the nominee will be considered at a closed session of the executive committee at which the nominee is not present.

The following criteria will be used:

1) Major contribution to the club.
2) Need not be a member
3) Associate (non-voting) status only.
4) Does not compete, newsletter once a year.

1) Major contribution to the club.
2) Member in good standing for 5 years, but these 5 years need not be consecutive, or immediately preceding the honor.
3) Full privileges.
If approved, the award will be scheduled for a future regular meeting, banquet, or such other time and place as designated by the executive committee.

Article IV
Section 1

Meetings will be held at the time and place directed by the officers.

Section 2

Officers will meet at least once each quarter at which time they shall consider the business and welfare of the club.  Five (5) officers shall constitute a quorum.  Business meetings will be held in the months of March, June, September, and December.

Section 3

Other meetings shall be held at the call of the President, or upon written request of ten members in good standing.

Section 4

Committee reports shall be given at the regular club meetings.

Article V
Section 1

Amendment to the by-laws requires a majority vote of the members casting a ballot.  Such amendment may take place at a regular meeting, or a special meeting, provided previous notice has been given to all members that said amendment will be read at a regular meeting at least one month prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be voted upon.

Section 2

Notice to members will be considered adequate if published in the club newsletter, or other letter mailed to a member's last known address.

Lebanon Camera Club Snapshots                                  February 2001